Where quality matters most…
Our range of Paint Roller Machinery
Edward Jackson has been supplying high quality, reliable machines to the world-wide paint brush and paint roller industry for over 40 years.
Our current range of roller making equipment covers the needs of both high and low volume producers. Each model has its different benefits for speed or flexibility, but all are designed around producing high quality rollers to meet our customers high standards
Please 'click' on the machine name(s) below, then 'SEE MORE' to view the full details
Helix Thermo-Bonder Winding Machine
Helix+ (Plus) Thermo-Bonder Winding Machine
R3 Paint Roller Finishing Machine
HSF3 High Speed Paint Roller Finishing Machine
W3 Continuous Roller Winder
Get in touch
+44 1953 60 67 63
sales@edwardjacksonltd.comAlternatively, you can submit an enquiry using our online enquiry form and we will get back to you:
Spare Parts
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Further machine manuals and documentation coming soon.